Incremental parallelization of programs using DVM-system


V.A. Bakhtin, V.A. Krukov, N.V. Podderugina, M.N. Pritula, D.A. Zaharov


The main difficulty of  a parallel program development for the cluster is the need to make global decisions on the distribution of data and calculations, taking into account the properties of the entire program, and then perform painstaking work on its modifying and debugging. A large amount of code, multi-modularity, multifunctionality makes it difficult to make decisions on the coordinated distribution of data and calculations. The method of incremental or partial parallelization can be used to solve this problem. The idea of this method is not the whole program is parallelized, but its parts (areas of parallelization) – the additional instances of the required data are created in them, the distribution of this data and the corresponding calculations is performed. These areas can be built on the basis of the times obtained by the performance analyzer, which is the part of DVM-system.

Key words

DVM-system, heterogeneous computational cluster, incremental parallelization.




V.A. Bakhtin, V.A. Krukov, N.V. Podderugina, M.N. Pritula, D.A. Zaharov. Incremental parallelization of programs using DVM-system // Supercomputer days in Russia: Proceedings of the international conference (24-25 September 2018, Moscow), Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2018, P. 991-993