Automation of software package parallelization


V.A. Bakhtin, A.S. Kolganov, V.A. Krukov, N.V. Podderugina, M.N. Pritula, O.A. Savitskaya, A.A. Smirnov, O.F. Zhukova


Experience of using SAPFOR system to parallelize Fortran programs emphasizes that for parallelizing large-scale applications and software packages it is necessary to improve capabilities of the system in the following areas: automatic determination and carrying out of the required source code transformations, primarily parallelization of time-consuming source code fragments, incremental parallelization . The system should be also extended to support parallelization of C code. Development of the system to achieve these goals requires a significant adjustment to its architecture.

Key words

automation of parallelization, heterogeneous computational clusters, incremental parallelization.




V.A. Bakhtin, A.S. Kolganov, V.A. Krukov, N.V. Podderugina, M.N. Pritula, O.A. Savitskaya, A.A. Smirnov, O.F. Zhukova. Automation of software package parallelization // Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Scientific service on the Internet (September 19th - 24th 2016, Novorossiysk), Moscow: Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, 2016, P. 76-85