NSCF 11/2016
National Supercomputing Forum (NSCF-2016) was held on November 29th - December 2nd, 2016 in Russia, Pereslavl, the Program Systems Institute of RAS.
V.A. Bakhtin has proposed there a speaker paper:
New possibilities of automation system of parallel program development (DVM-system)
The following recently implemented capabilities of the DVM-system are discussed in the presentation:
- new version of C-DVMH language and compiler;
- extension of C-DVM and Fortran-DVMH possibilities to solve problems with irregular grids;
- implementation of parallel I/O tools;
- new features for functional debugging and analysis of parallel programs performance.
Examples of usage of these features on test and real applications will be demonstrated.
This article is written by a team of the following authors V.A. Bakhtin, N.A. Kataev, A.S. Kolganov, V.A. Krukov, N.V. Podderugina, M.N. Pritula.
A.S. Kolganov has proposed there a speaker paper:
Mapping of graph problems on GPU architecture - theory and practice
Last time graphics accelerators (GPUs) GPU are increasingly being used in non-graphical computations. They’re needed because of their relatively high performance and lower cost. As you know, the problems on structured grids where the parallelism is easily determined are solved well on GPUs. But there are problems that require more computing power and use non-structured grids. The examples of such tasks are: Single Shortest Source Path problem (SSSP) – the problem to find the shortest paths from a given vertex to all the others in a weighted graph, MST (minimum spanning tree) – finding the minimum spanning forest in a graph, BFS (breadth first search) – breadth-first search in the graph, Community detection – finding closely related communities in a graph, and others. These tasks are very often used in various fields of research: a recognition of various objects, computer vision, analysis and building of networks (for example, telephone, electrical, computer, road, etc.), chemistry and biology, and in many other areas.
This article is written by A.S. Kolganov.